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Zombies, Run!

Walk more
1 review

About this app

Zombies, Run! is a game for walkers, runners, and joggers. The game starts when you start your exercise and progresses as you cover more distance. There are over 300 total story missions to complete, and many of them have you literally running away from a zombie horde and not finishing the level until you run far enough. It’s one of the original fitness games on mobile, and it took a long time to mature. The subscription cost helps support the developer as they come out with new content. It’s relatively cheap compared to most fitness subscriptions, and we like that. It’s one of the original workout games and one you should definitely try.

Game type

Zombies, Run! gamification type is Adventure level 5.
1234Very immersive

Free app

There might be in-app purchases. Start at $5.99

Mobile, Wearable

Works with these devices


Release date

Zombies, Run!: Walk more

Zombies, Run! is a gamification app to walk more with 1.8M users. Zombies, Run! is a game for walkers, runners, and joggers. The game starts when you start your exercise and progresses as you cover more distance. There are over 300 total story missions to complete, and many of them have you literally running away from a zombie horde and not finishing the level until you run far enough. It’s one of the original fitness games on mobile, and it took a long time to mature. The subscription cost helps support the developer as they come out with new content. It’s relatively cheap compared to most fitness subscriptions, and we like that. It’s one of the original workout games and one you should definitely try.
The appZombies, Run! gets a GamifyList gamification rank level 5. It's a Adventure game.
It is a free app. There might be in-app purchases. The pricing starts at $5.99
It works on Mobile, Wearable.
The app was released in 2015.
There are no reviews for this app yet.
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