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Ingress Prime

A fun way to walk more
1 review

About this app

Ingress Prime takes a slightly different approach to the “get out and go” exercise game. A mysterious new resource known as XM is discovered and now two factions, The Enlightened and The Resistance, is waging a secret war for dominance. You as the player gets to become an Agent and pick a side. Instead of hunting creatures or magic, you go to local landmarks to establish control of the area. There is a communication system built into the game so you can organize raids with your fellow agents. However, Ingress Prime has an age limit of at least 13 depending on where you live.

Game type

Ingress Prime gamification type is Adventure level 5.
1234Very immersive

Free app

There might be in-app purchases. Start at $4.99

Laptop, Mobile

Works with these devices


Release date

Ingress Prime: A fun way to walk more

Ingress Prime is a gamification app to a fun way to walk more with 30M users. Ingress Prime takes a slightly different approach to the “get out and go” exercise game. A mysterious new resource known as XM is discovered and now two factions, The Enlightened and The Resistance, is waging a secret war for dominance. You as the player gets to become an Agent and pick a side. Instead of hunting creatures or magic, you go to local landmarks to establish control of the area. There is a communication system built into the game so you can organize raids with your fellow agents. However, Ingress Prime has an age limit of at least 13 depending on where you live.
The appIngress Prime gets a GamifyList gamification rank level 5. It's a Adventure game.
It is a free app. There might be in-app purchases. The pricing starts at $4.99
It works on Laptop, Mobile.
The app was released in 2012.
There are no reviews for this app yet.
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