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Study and prepare for tests
1 review

About this app

Quizizz is a gamification platform intended for student and employee engagement. The system comes with quizing and polling features that be be viewed in real-time along with other interactive communication methods such as live video, live chat, and image sharing. Additionally, Quizizz comes with helpful learning tools such as flash cards, practice tests, and question hints that can be assigned directly through the administration portal

Game type

Quizizz gamification type is Adventure level 2.
1Soft gamification345

Free app

There might be in-app purchases. Start at $25

Laptop, Mobile

Works with these devices


Release date

Quizizz: Study and prepare for tests

Quizizz is a gamification app to study and prepare for tests with 20M users. Quizizz is a gamification platform intended for student and employee engagement. The system comes with quizing and polling features that be be viewed in real-time along with other interactive communication methods such as live video, live chat, and image sharing. Additionally, Quizizz comes with helpful learning tools such as flash cards, practice tests, and question hints that can be assigned directly through the administration portal
The appQuizizz gets a GamifyList gamification rank level 2. It's a Adventure game.
It is a free app. There might be in-app purchases. The pricing starts at $25
It works on Laptop, Mobile.
The app was released in 2017.
There are no reviews for this app yet.
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