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Learn a new language
3 reviews

About this app

The fun, effective and proven to learn a language! With our free mobile app or web and a few minutes a day, everyone can Duolingo. Learn 30+ languages online with bite-size lessons based on science.

Game type

Duolingo gamification type is Adventure level 2.
1Soft gamification345

Free app

There might be in-app purchases. Start at $6.99

Laptop, Mobile

Works with these devices


Release date

Ratings and reviews

  • In just a month a was able to learn the basics of Indonesian 🇮🇩 and speak with locals.
    - Marc Lou
  • It's a fun and interactive application to learn new languages.
    - Vishesh Gupta
  • It is a good guide for those who want to start learning a new language.
    - Gsping
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Duolingo: Learn a new language

Duolingo is a gamification app to learn a new language with 42M users. The fun, effective and proven to learn a language! With our free mobile app or web and a few minutes a day, everyone can Duolingo. Learn 30+ languages online with bite-size lessons based on science.
The appDuolingo gets a GamifyList gamification rank level 2. It's a Adventure game.
It is a free app. There might be in-app purchases. The pricing starts at $6.99
It works on Laptop, Mobile.
The app was released in 2011.
There are 3 reviews for Duolingo.
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