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I Am Sober

Overcome alcohol addiction
1 review

About this app

I Am Sober is more than just a free sobriety counter app.Along with tracking your sober days, it helps you build new habits and provides ongoing motivation by connecting you to a wide network of people all striving for the same goal: staying sober one day at a time.Through our growing sober community you can learn from others and contribute by sharing insights and tactics that have helped you quit your addiction.

Game type

I Am Sober gamification type is Adventure level 1.
Close to reality2345

Free app

There might be in-app purchases. Start at $0.99

Laptop, Mobile

Works with these devices


Release date

I Am Sober: Overcome alcohol addiction

I Am Sober is a gamification app to overcome alcohol addiction with 1M users. I Am Sober is more than just a free sobriety counter app.Along with tracking your sober days, it helps you build new habits and provides ongoing motivation by connecting you to a wide network of people all striving for the same goal: staying sober one day at a time.Through our growing sober community you can learn from others and contribute by sharing insights and tactics that have helped you quit your addiction.
The appI Am Sober gets a GamifyList gamification rank level 1. It's a Adventure game.
It is a free app. There might be in-app purchases. The pricing starts at $0.99
It works on Laptop, Mobile.
The app was released in 2014.
There are no reviews for this app yet.
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