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Study Quest

Learn several language
1 review

About this app

Study Quest is a combination of battle questing, matching game, and a language app. Players complete battles by matching orbs to gain spells and answering language questions to attack. Victory rewards include character customization, new locations, and battles with friends. The character animations have a very Nintendo Wii vibe. Languages supported include Korean, French, German, Spanish, Italian, English, Japanese.

Game type

Study Quest gamification type is Role-playing level 4.
123Quite immersive5

Free app

There might be in-app purchases. Start at $2.99

Laptop, Mobile

Works with these devices


Release date

Study Quest: Learn several language

Study Quest is a gamification app to learn several language with 5k users. Study Quest is a combination of battle questing, matching game, and a language app. Players complete battles by matching orbs to gain spells and answering language questions to attack. Victory rewards include character customization, new locations, and battles with friends. The character animations have a very Nintendo Wii vibe. Languages supported include Korean, French, German, Spanish, Italian, English, Japanese.
The appStudy Quest gets a GamifyList gamification rank level 4. It's a Role-playing game.
It is a free app. There might be in-app purchases. The pricing starts at $2.99
It works on Laptop, Mobile.
The app was released in 2017.
There are no reviews for this app yet.
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